Personal Development Curriculum

Personal Development Curriculum

At Mossbourne Fobbing Academy our aim is to provide students with the opportunities to access powerful knowledge and powerful experiences, so that they learn to make their mark on the world.

Our curricular approach to Personal Development aims to illustrate to students how multiple aspects of their school experience combine to provide them with a solid foundation for personal growth during their time with us. 

At Mossbourne Fobbing Academy, we embrace the concept of personal development as an integral part of our commitment to enriching every part of our students' lives, extending well beyond  our academic, technical, or vocational offerings. Personal development encompasses a diverse spectrum of elements, including knowledge, attitudes, skills, relationships, and behaviours, all of which hold value both within and beyond the classroom.

Our curriculum is designed to encompass a vast array of themes, each contributing to the holistic growth and development of our students. These themes include:

We also actively promote and develop students' understanding and appreciation for the five core British values (tolerance, rule of law, democracy, individual liberty and mutual respect).

At Mossbourne Fobbing Academy we believe in the holistic development of our pupils, offering pupils more opportunities that will lead to more choices in the future.


Our Enrichment Curriculum goes beyond the National Curriculum. It offers unique learning experiences which provide students with enriched cultural capital. By offering a varied and diverse set of experiences, we help to prepare students for the culturally diverse nature of the society in which we live. 

At Mossbourne Fobbing Academy, our commitment is to nurture resilient, self-assured, and inquisitive learners who not only challenge themselves but also thrive in diverse cultural contexts. We empower our students with a comprehensive enrichment curriculum that equips them with the essential skills to stay motivated when faced with adversity and enables them to approach any challenge with unwavering confidence.

Our PD and SMSC Programme adheres closely to both statutory and non-statutory frameworks outlined by the Department for Education, encompassing key aspects commonly associated with PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) and related subjects. However, at Mossbourne Fobbing Academy, we go above and beyond by supplementing the standard PSHE topics with an array of life skills training, creating a substantial and practical subject that prepares all our students not only for success within the school but also for flourishing in the wider world.

Our Personal Development curriculum is built upon six core strands:

  1. Social, Moral, Spiritual, and Cultural Education, along with Character Development
  2. Sex and Relationships Education
  3. Health Education
  4. Safety and Financial Wellbeing
  5. Citizenship and Community Education
  6. Careers Education

The Mossbourne Fobbing Academy community comprises students from diverse socioeconomic, demographic, and cultural backgrounds. Our PD program is crafted to cater to these varied experiences, fostering personal and academic excellence and equipping our pupils with the skills and capabilities needed to seize the myriad opportunities that await them beyond their school years.

How do we ensure our vision becomes a reality?

 The curriculum is implemented in a variety of ways:

  • Citizenship and Religious Education, delivered once per week to all students in KS3, 4 and 5.
  • A broad Enrichment Curriculum focusing on learning Outside the Classroom, Aim High, Challenge and Nurture Talent,  Life Skills and Self-discipline, Community and Charity Projects. 
  • Personal Development End Points Curriculum Map
  • A carefully planned and sequenced assembly map for KS3, 4 and 5. Click here view the map.
  • Extra-curricular activities before and after school.
  • Reading programme delivered two mornings per week to KS3 and KS4.
  • Community Projects completed by KS3 and 4 once per year to give students the opportunity to serve their community.
  • Year group competitions and charity fundraising events for KS3,4 and 5 throughout the year.

PSHE Infographic


SMSC & British Values Date  
SMSC Curriculum Mapping 01st Sep 2021 Download
British Values 13th Apr 2021 Download
Black Lives Matter 13th Apr 2021 Download
Black History Month 13th Apr 2021 Download
Anti Bullying Week 13th Apr 2021 Download
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