Home School Agreement

MFA Home School Agreement

Collaborative Commitment: Home School Partnership

At Mossbourne Fobbing Academy, we recognise that the journey to success is a shared endeavour involving parents, students, and the school. Each of these stakeholders plays a crucial role in fostering achievement, and our partnership thrives when we collectively commit to the best interests of all. This agreement outlines the roles and responsibilities of the school, parents, and students to ensure a harmonious and effective collaboration.

Our Commitment - Academy’s Educational Responsibilities. We acknowledge our responsibility to support parents in their task of nurturing their children towards human wholeness within a caring community.

  • Provide a friendly welcome to your child and a secure, stimulating, moral environment in which to learn;
  • Ensure that your child is valued for who they are and helped to make good progress in their spiritual, moral, emotional and academic development;
  • Treat your child with the dignity and respect they deserve;
  • Do our utmost to provide the best possible education we can for your child, through enthusiastic teaching, which is rooted in our beliefs, our values and our skills;
  • Ensure that the education provided for your child is tailored, as effectively as possible, by using good assessment, recording and tracking strategies;
  • Provide you with information about your child’s progress and provide you with opportunities to talk to teachers;
  • Keep you well informed about academy policies and activities through regular letters and newsletters;
  • Set, mark and monitor work suitable to your child’s needs;
  • Contact you if there is a problem with your child’s attendance or punctuality;
  • Inform you of any concerns regarding your child’s behaviour, work or health;
  • Challenge your child to strive for the highest standard of personal, social and intellectual development and aim for excellence in all they do.

Expectations of Parents - Parental Responsibilities. As parents/carers, we acknowledge that we are the primary educators of our children and have an irreplaceable role to play in supporting our children’s learning at Mossbourne Academy.

  • Ensure that my child attends the academy every day, on time, in correct uniform and suitably equipped;
  • Support all Academy initiatives which enable my child to reach their full potential, including revision classes and extra-curricular classes;
  • Ensure that my child is available and attends all necessary revision and catch up sessions, including extra classes for revision or support at the end of the day, on Saturdays and in the holidays;
  • Ensure that family holidays are taken outside of term time, otherwise my child’s place may be forfeited;
  • Inform the academy of any concerns regarding my child’s learning or welfare;
  • Support the values of the academy and encourage my child to do their best, give my child opportunities for home learning and support my child in the completion of homework;
  • Check my child’s planner on a daily basis and sign my child’s planner on a weekly basis;
  • Support the academy’s policies, guidelines and sanctions for poor behaviour including Saturday detentions, 6pm detentions and after school detentions;
  • Attend all parents’ evening and meetings about my child, as deemed necessary;
  • Support academy policy which states that your child may be screened or searched, if deemed necessary, in the interests of all staff and fellow students;
  • Ensure my child behaves in an appropriate manner that upholds the academy’s code of conduct on the way to and from the academy and always adopt a courteous and professional manner towards staff.

Expectations of Students - I acknowledge the talents which I have been given and my responsibility to use them wisely

  • Attend the academy regularly and on time;
  • Adhere to the uniform or dress code as appropriate for my year group;
  • Attend all classes which enable me to reach my full potential, including revision classes and extra-curricular classes which may take place at the end of the academy day, on Saturdays or in the holidays;
  • Treat fellow students and staff with respect and kindness;
  • Always adhere to the academy ‘no physical contact’ policy;
  • Take care of all academy equipment, and always carry all stationery in my bag and not in my hand or pockets;
  • Help keep our academy free from litter and respect the academy environment and property;
  • Share my feelings honestly and politely and show consideration for others in the academy;
  • Behave sensibly so that we can be happy and safe as we learn;
  • Never refuse to follow instructions given by a member of staff;
  • Attend all detentions, if set;
  • Try to think for myself and take responsibility for my actions;
  • Do all my class work and homework to the best of my ability;
  • Keep my planner up to date by entering all homework and any other information that is necessary, and by signing it every week.  It is my responsibility, to ensure my planner is signed by my parent/s or carer;
  • Observe all academy rules and treat everyone with respect;
  • Travel directly to/from the academy without stopping at shops in the surrounding area and/or congregating in the local area*;
  • Never bring any contraband item into the academy.
  • As a sixth form student, recognise and adhere to the responsibilities which come with the privileges I hold.

By aligning our efforts and aspirations through this partnership, we ensure a nurturing and empowering environment for our students to thrive.

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