Knowledge Organisers
Knowledge Organisers
Click below for the Knowledge Organiser 2024 - 2025 Booklets:
Year 7 HT1 | Year 8 HT1 | Year 9 HT1 | Year 10 HT1 |
Year 7 HT2 | Year 8 HT2 | Year 9 HT2 | Year 10 HT2 |
Year 7 HT3 | Year 8 HT3 | Year 9 HT3 | Year 10 HT3 |
Year 7 HT4 | Year 8 HT4 | Year 9 HT4 | Year 10 HT4 |
Facilitating Effective Learning: Knowledge Organisers and Self-Quizzing
Every term, we craft comprehensive homework booklets, aptly termed 'Knowledge Organisers,' for each year. These invaluable resources delineate the homework expectations for the entire term. A copy of these Knowledge Organisers is given to every student, providing the essential tasks and assignments.
In addition, your child will receive an A5 / A4 Knowledge Retriever - an exercise book with lined pages. This serves as a repository for them to document their self-quizzing endeavours.
Self-Quizzing, an integral practice, entails using the knowledge organiser as a tool to internalise crucial information and engrave it into long-term memory. Equipped with the 'Fetch, Flip, Check, and Repeat' method, students will be guided in the process of self-quizzing the content from their knowledge organisers.
For a comprehensive guide on how to effectively self-quiz using a knowledge organiser, kindly refer to the instructions below:
To optimise the effectiveness of self-quizzing, students must write out knowledge from memory, using the Fetch, Flip, Check and Repeat method, and must not copy. Your child will have extensive training in school on how to do their self-quizzing. Your child will be expected to bring in their Knowledge Retriever and Knowledge Organiser every day to school.
How to revise using a knowledge organiser: This video will show you how to carry out retrieval practice from your knowledge organiser using the look, cover, write check method.
Form Tutors will provide regular feedback in your child’s Knowledge Organiser to support them in meeting expectations.
Enhancing the Learning Process: Fetch, Flip, Check, Repeat
FETCH – During this phase, students invest approximately one minute absorbing and memorising select facts from a Knowledge Organiser box. The extent to which students attempt to retain information at once varies based on their proficiency. To prevent backtracking, most students find it helpful to shield their prior work using their hand or the Knowledge Organiser itself. The focus is on internalising the spelling, word sequence, punctuation, and grammar of the content. Students take on just a few sentences or bullet points at a time.
FLIP – Moving into this step, students turn over or set aside their Knowledge Organiser, retrieving their Knowledge Retriever. They then strive to jot down everything they can recollect from the knowledge they previously "fetched." Refraining from referencing the Knowledge Organiser or their previous notes is crucial. Concealing their prior work using the Knowledge Organiser or their hand is necessary to deter any backward glances. Imperfectly reproducing all the content from the Knowledge Organiser is actually indicative of effective engagement with the process. This phase thrives on the effort and cognitive exertion required to remember the material without external aids.
CHECK – Using a different coloured pen (preferably green, purple, or red), students open their Knowledge Organisers and meticulously review each word's spelling within the box they were focusing on. If everything aligns accurately, students mark a tick at the end of their written work. Any necessary corrections are made directly above the content being corrected, avoiding the use of a new line. Numerous corrections in the Knowledge Retriever signal that students are effectively navigating the process.
REPEAT – The repetition phase involves students perpetuating the iterative cycle, gradually incorporating more content from the Knowledge Organiser box they are concentrating on, until they complete the requisite amount for the subject. Even if students feel they have internalised the content, they must persist in the Fetch, Flip, Check, and Repeat process until meeting the specified quota in their Knowledge Retriever. For Flip or new bullet points, students need not initiate a new line each time; they can use "//" to denote the subsequent repetition. Utilising all provided space is paramount.
Expectations - Students are expected to:
- Fulfil the instructed number of pages.
- Include a title and date on each Knowledge Retriever page.
- Employ the Fetch, Flip, Check, and Repeat approach on every page.
- Avoid mere duplication of content from the Knowledge Organiser.
- Abstain from addressing the questions at the Knowledge Organiser's bottom in the Knowledge Retriever.
- Limit empty space to no more than three lines per page.
- Sustain an acceptable level of presentation.
- Bring both Knowledge Organiser and Knowledge Retriever to school daily.
Knowledge Organiser Key Terms - Knowledge Organisers are succinct repositories of essential knowledge, grouped by subject and subdivided into boxes indicating weekly memorisation targets. Each half term, students receive a booklet containing Knowledge Organisers for subjects, ensuring fundamental information is ingrained in long-term memory. The conscious omission of some subjects reflects the academy's deliberate selection.
Knowledge Retrievers are A4 books utilised for completing knowledge organiser homework.
Process Clarification - Fetch, Flip, Check, and Repeat is the systematic strategy guiding knowledge organiser homework in Knowledge Retrievers. Students abstain from answering Knowledge Organiser box questions, which are intended for quizzes. The process fosters deep engagement by recalling material without referencing external aids.
Additional Concepts
- Silent Do Now: A silent, independent task prompting the recall of previously learnt knowledge to prevent forgetting critical exam-relevant content.
- Homework Low Stakes Quiz: Integrating Knowledge Organiser questions into the Silent Do Now task for weekly assessment of knowledge retention.
- Fluency Task: A brief assessment to gauge students' ability to apply the knowledge from their Low Stakes Quiz.
- The BIG Quiz: A comprehensive multiple-choice exam in simulated test conditions, offering feedback on the depth of retained vital knowledge.
- Overlearn: Repetitive practice until knowledge becomes automatic, akin to knowing the alphabet order.
- Interleaving: Revisiting previously taught knowledge to combat forgetfulness.
- Low Stakes: A low-pressure environment where students aren't penalised for lapses, fostering critical thinking, integrity, and reduced anxiety.