Staff & Leadership Team

Senior Leadership Team from 2023 - 2024

Name Position
Mr S Cooper Principal
Mrs N Jeffrey Senior Vice Principal - Safeguarding, Pastoral & Community
Mr T Austin Senior Vice Principal
Miss K Ashford Vice Principal - Teaching, Learning & Staff Development
Mr J Bunn Vice Principal Achievement, Outcomes & Intervention

Mr S Dixon

Vice Principal Curriculum Design & Logistics

Mr J Kliber Vice Principal

Mr I Morgan

Vice Principal - Standards and Transition

Miss L Nancolas-White

Vice Principal Attendance, Behaviour for Learning, Inclusions and Strategic SEND, Home/school Liaison

Mr J Partridge Vice Principal - Director of Sixth Form
Miss G Ellis Assistant Principal - Deputy Director of Sixth Form

Miss K Latham

Assistant Vice Principal Inclusion, Enrichment & Outreach

Miss C Moore

Assistant Vice Principal

Mr F Titot Assistant Vice Principal Behaviour, Attitudes to learning and expectations. 


Head of Year

Name Position
Mr Hellis-Tatum Head of Year 7
Mrs A Rate / Mr B Pilgrim Head of Year 8
Mrs L Hendy Head of Year 9
Mr G De Cruz Head of Year 10
Mrs G Bendall-Crawley Head of Year 11
Miss L Nancolas Strategic SENDCO
Miss F Gard SENDCO
Mrs R Payne Assistant SENDCO 


Department Leaders

Name Position
Miss L Regan Art
Miss H Anderson English
Miss G Ellis  Humanities - History, Geography, RE, PSHE
Miss T McNaughton  Health and Social Care
Mr T Draper Business Studies & Economics
Mrs E Dobson Dance
Miss J Stacey Drama
Ms L Smith Mathematics
Ms I Courcha Modern Foreign Languages
Miss F Beamish Music
Mrs N Oakley Citizenship PSHE
Mr G Holt Physical Education
Mrs S Taylor Science
Miss A Fitzpatrick  Technology


The Form Teachers and Heads of Year are supported by the following administrative staff.

Name Position
Mrs G Burst School Admissions Officer
Mrs S Carter Safeguarding and Attendance Officer 
Mr D Ball Pastoral Manager
Miss D Walshe Pastoral Manager
Ms N Heald Pastoral Manager / Child on Child Lead
Mrs T Tarling Pastoral Manager
Miss D Spriggs Pastoral Manger
Miss S Kew Pupil Welfare / Medical Officer
Mrs J Heapy Medical and Welfare Officer
Mrs M Mountney Careers Officer


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