Combined Cadet Force
The cadets are held every Thursday afternoon after school, running from 3pm to 5:30pm. The main CCF camp is held towards the beginning of the summer term. Other activity events are also held throughout the year.
What is the CCF?
The Combined Cadet Force (CCF) is a voluntary after-school organisation sponsored by the Ministry of Defence. The CCF is open to our students in Year 8 and above. The CCF offers cadets a tremendous opportunity to engage in some challenging and exciting activities, and to understand a little more about the armed services. While developing leadership skills and self-confidence
Its aim is to provide discipline, organisation and leadership by promoting the qualities of responsibility, self-reliance, resourcefulness, endurance and perseverance through challenging and enjoyable activities.
As the CCF is sponsored and supported by the Armed Forces, tradition and ceremony are important parts of the CCF experience.
Mossbourne Fobbing Academy observe Remembrance Day.
The CCF hold an annual Mess Dinner for cadets.
The CCF is not a military recruiting organisation. Our students join to take advantage of the activities and training that the CCF offers, not specifically to join the army, Navy or RAF.
The MoD lays down the syllabus to be followed and cadets work towards receiving their Basic and Advanced Army Proficiency Certificates across two to three years.
Topic covered in the first year include;
- Leadership exercises.
- Drill
- First Aid (St John Ambulance first aid qualifications)
- Camp craft
- Field craft
- Navigation
- Shooting using 177 rifles and Weapon training on the L98A2 Cadet General Purpose rifle
As pupils gain more experience they learn to lead other cadets,
Promotion and achievement does not come down to academic ability, and the cadets who excel are those who develop their teamwork, listening skills, self-discipline, organisation and commitment.
The main aim of the CCF is to offer cadets a truly enjoyable and fulfilling experience through teamwork and leadership. New friendships are formed in CCF creating a vibrant and healthy section of the school community. As cadets gain experience, they have the opportunity to develop their skills through leading and instructing younger cadets.
Camps, Courses & Field Days
While the majority of the activities of the CCF are conducted at School, at least once a term cadets have the opportunity to take part in activities and Field Days, which are not on the School site, these will include overnight activates. These range from opportunities where the theory they learn during the week is put into practice.
During Summer Camp, the cadets undertake a programme of events, which includes adventure-training activities, military skills, range work, a 24-hour exercise and inter-contingent competitions. This is the culmination of a year’s training and provides many memorable opportunities.
While the CCF is subsidised through the MoD, there is a small weekly charge.
In addition, while some CCF activities are not charged, camps or field days, usually require a supplementary charge in the order of tens of pounds to meet necessary costs.
History at Mossbourne Fobbing Academy
The CCF at MFA was formed in 2019. The officers who run it are teachers and staff from the school who undertook special training from the armed services in order to do so.
The CCF is not for everyone, but for those who do join we hope that they find they are able to undertake activities and experience challenges that would not otherwise come their way, and that they develop the character that will help them well beyond school.
CCF Contingent Commander D Strickland
Rank in CCF: 2Lt
For more information on the Combined Cadet Force, please visit their website: