Clubs, Activities and Interventions
Mossbourne Fobbing Academy Weekly Outline of Out of School Hours Learning Activities
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The curriculum is more than just the taught curriculum. At Mossbourne Fobbing Academy we offer students a broad range of opportunities and experiences. We believe that these opportunities provide students with the opportunity to develop our key character traits of Respect, Responsibility, Resourcefulness, Resilience and Reflection. Mossbourne Fobbing Academy also run a number of national and international trips, offer our Student Voice programme, our Combined Cadet Force, as well as trips that extend other areas of the curriculum.
Life at Mossbourne Fobbing Academy is about more than just benefiting from well taught lessons. We are committed to providing a wide range of opportunities for our students outside lessons.
These include:
- clubs and teams for boys and girls across a range of sports
- music, dance and drama clubs, trips and productions
- cultural trips both in Britain and abroad
- skiing trips every year
- after-school subject-based clubs
- homework club in the library
- Combined Cadets
We also actively encourage students to get involved in developing the out of school hours learning programme by getting them involved in bidding for the out of school activities that they want to do.
Clubs Fair - During the third week in September we hold a clubs fair at lunch time in the theatre which gives students and teachers the chance to meet and talk about what activities are available out of school hours throughout the school year. Students are encouraged to run stalls about each club alongside teachers. This is a great opportunity for year 7 students and students new to the school to find out more about the wealth of extra-curricular activities available at Mossbourne Fobbing Academy.