Teachers Page

Information for Teachers and Educators

Mossbourne Fobbing Academy is dedicated to delivering high quality Careers, Education, Information, Advice, and Guidance (CEIAG) to inspire our students and empower them to make well-informed career choices. We are fully committed to achieving all eight Benchmarks outlined by the Gatsby Foundation.

Our school is devoted to supporting subject teachers in the development and integration of career-oriented learning opportunities within their curriculum plans. For more information, please consult our 'Careers in the Curriculum' document. Additionally, our shared drive contains an extensive collection of invaluable resources and websites tailored to each subject area, making it a valuable tool for both students and educators.


At Mossbourne Fobbing Academy, we aspire for all subject areas to actively engage in the following initiatives:

  1. Prominent Displays: Each subject features a prominent display that effectively illustrates the connection between subject learning and skill development with various career pathways. This visual representation will serve as a constant reminder for students of the real-world applications of their studies.

  2. Business and Organisational Partnerships: We foster meaningful relationships with over 70 local businesses and organisations to create opportunities for students to gain insights into potential career paths. These partnerships can facilitate internships, mentorship, or guest speakers.

  3. Alumni and External Speakers: We encourage alumni and external speakers to share their experiences and expertise with our students, whether through in-person visits or virtual sessions, allowing students to connect with real-world professionals.

  4. Field Trips and Visits: When suitable, we organise educational visits to local businesses or organisations, providing students with firsthand exposure to workplace environments and practical applications of their subject knowledge.

  5. Recorded Career Opportunities: We document all career-related learning opportunities within the schemes of learning to ensure that students have a clear record of the resources and experiences available to them.

  6. Whole School 'Careers Days': Implement whole-school "Careers Days" during which teachers kick off their lessons with a careers-focused approach. This can involve discussions about their career journeys or the presentation of short films featuring professionals from diverse roles, illustrating how subject-specific skills are relevant in various careers.

  7. Inclusive Approach: We tailor career-related guidance to meet the needs and interests of all students while actively challenging stereotypes related to gender and disability. Ensure that information and opportunities are inclusive and promote diversity in career choices.

By implementing these strategies, Mossbourne Fobbing Academy aims to provide a well-rounded and inclusive approach to career education that equips students with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed and empowered career decisions.

If you would like to access Unifrog and do not have an account please contact Mrs Mountney via careers@gablehall.com to request support.

Discover everything you need in order to provide good careers education to your students

Do you need help supporting potential NEET students?

THURROCK ON TRACK - A programme dedicated to helping young people achieve their career dreams.

Business and support organisations in Thurrock: Meet a range of local employers to learn about job opportunities and potential career paths available for you - Click Here

Careers advice and guidance activities ro support students with SEND - Expert advice and best practice suggestions on how to support your students with SEND in their career development - Click Here

Teachers Feedback

Teacher Feedback on Careers Programme at Gable Hall

I believe our careers programme offers valuable opportunities for students, providing a platform for meaningful meetings. Students are well-informed about whom to approach for career discussions, particularly in the older years where dedicated meetings for future planning are common.

The success of the Year 11 interview day has been remarkable, with students expressing its significant helpfulness. In geography, we are actively organising career-focused events, including sessions with a GIS specialism team for Year 11 geography students.

PowerPoints aligning careers with topics across all year groups and teachers highlighting job prospects from a geography GCSE contribute to a more integrated approach. The progress of careers at Gable Hall is evident, reflecting positive advancements for our students.

The recent Year 11 Mock Interview Day was a resounding success, leaving students pleased and smiling. Impressively, interviewers from Thurrock and Essex expressed their positive impressions and offered valuable tips for future use.

Year 10 students are undergoing interviews with our Thurrock Representative, accompanied by exciting trips to various locations. Additionally, students in years 7 to 9 are encouraged to use KUDOS, answering questions about themselves and exploring a list of potential jobs.

I genuinely consider this initiative as a great day and a fantastic opportunity for our students. It's worth noting that the boys, in particular, presented themselves well, adorned in suits and ties, appearing very smart.

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