Careers Policy & Provider Access
Mossbourne Fobbing Academy Careers Policy - Click to Download
Career Lead: For any careers enquiries, including provider access requests please contact; Mrs Mountney
Mission Stamtent: To develop students who are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and experience to make ambitious, informed choices at every step on their path to individual success.
The central aim of Mossbourne Fobbing Academy CEIAG provision is to provide effective education and training for all our students. Through a well-structured and highly effective programme, we believe that all can achieve both in school and in adult life. By working in partnership with external agencies, businesses, and members of our community we will provide accurate, impartial and focussed careers information, advice and guidance tailored to the individual needs of our students, and thereby enable all our students to make informed choices about their education and career pathways.
Statutory Guidance: This policy is written taking into account a number of key policies and statutory guidance, including:
- Framework for Careers, Employability and Enterprise Education.
- Education Act (2011) and the subsequent Statutory Guidance ‘Careers guidance and
- inspiration for young people in schools’ (DfE 2015)
- Raising the Participation Age (Education and Skills Act 2011)
- The Career Development Institute Code of Ethics
- Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Careers Guidance (2014)
The Mossbourne Fobbing Academy Careers Entitlement: All students in years 7-13 are entitled to:
- Access to a planned careers programme relevant to their year group.
- Access to a comprehensive and impartial guidance on course selection with links to careers and employability at every transition point.
- Access to a qualified, impartial and independent careers adviser for personalised guidance
- Access to information about the world of work and labour market.
- Access to information and guidance about higher education, training and employment opportunities including technical education qualifications and apprenticeships.
- Development of their personal and enterprise skills to improve their employability.
- Receive information about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a CEIAG programme, which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point.
- Hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships.
- Receive information about how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.
- Access to a curriculum rich in information about careers and the world of work.
- Access a programme of CEIAG which challenges stereotypes and discrimination and promotes equality and diversity in training and in the workplace.
Commitments and Objectives: We aim to enable young people to learn about careers, learning and work so that they can manage their own development and make life choices and decisions that will benefit their own wellbeing and contribute to the wellbeing of others. We take a skills-centred approach to CEIAG alongside providing guidance and support. Gable Hall aims to deliver a broad, balanced and connected CEIAG curriculum that addresses young people’s entitlement and provides students with personal, social and employability skills alongside the knowledge and understanding to support self-development through careers and work-related education (understanding themselves and the influences on them).
Mossbourne Fobbing Academy is firmly committed to delivering a CEIAG programme that is fully informed by the 8 Gatsby Career Benchmarks. It is our commitment to continuously work towards delivering a progressive CEIAG programme that meets all of the benchmark’s.
Delivery: At Mossbourne Fobbing Academy, CEIAG is provided through a wide range of pathways which together make up our overarching CEIAG provision plan. These include:
- Curriculum provision within subject lessons.
- Cross-curricular provision during curriculum time as part of non-subject provision such as Thematic drop-down lessons an days, assemblies and other events such as careers fairs.
- Extra-curricular provision taking place away from the classroom including opportunities as part of clubs, trips, sports teams or community initiatives.
- Individualised provision such as individual meetings with the careers advisor, subject taster sessions to inform subject options or work experience.
- Parental engagement such as information leaflets, parents’ evenings, options and open evenings or specialised information events.
- Roles that students can play within the school, such as Student councillor, Student ambassador or prefect.
Involvement with other partners: To ensure an effective and up to date CEIAG programme Gable Hall continues to develop and maintain close links with a range of local, national, and international employers, work-based education providers, colleges and universities. The Gable Hall team maintains a close working relationship with many other universities including Oxford, Cambridge, and King’s College London. In addition, a wide range of organisations support our CEIAG events and initiatives, such as the Pathways CTM, Career Ready Programme, National Citizen Service, Speakers for Schools, to name a few. All partnerships and visits to Gable Hall are subject to our Safeguarding Policy and conducted with the explicit consent of the Principal.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Review: An annual review of CEIAG is conducted by the Assistant Principal with responsibility for Careers along with the wider Careers and Enterprise team. This policy is reviewed and developed annually in discussion with students, parents, staff, governors and other relevant partners. The CEIAG strategy will be audited against statutory guidance, evidence on good practice and other relevant frameworks and will be updated accordingly.
Destinations data, evaluation forms, student surveys and other evidence of impact will all be collated and used to evaluate the effectiveness of current CEIAG provision and inform further developments of our strategy.
Student involvement with CEIAG such as experiences with employers or the workplace, guidance on education or career pathways or educational and career-based visits are all logged on the school centralised data system, Arbor.
Roles, Responsibilities and Resources: A range of resources are made available to support CEIAG at Gable Hall including:
- Vice Principal specifically responsible for CEIAG for Years 7 to 13.
- Subject Team Leaders, responsible for embedding education and careers information and guidance linked to their subject disciplines
- Lead Practitioner Designates, members of staff responsible for planning and implementing the meaningful experiences for students with a range of further and higher education providers, technical qualification and apprenticeship training providers and local and national employers.
- An assigned member of Mossbourne Fobbing Academy Careers Team who will provide advice and support to Mossbourne Fobbing Academy and impartial careers advice and guidance for students.
- Weekly meeting time, as needed, to discuss, evaluate, review and promote CEIAG.
- Curriculum time taken from all year groups and departments for the delivery of CEIAG drop downs and bespoke careers and employability education.
- Assemblies planned and delivered across the year for years 7-13 for the implementation of the CEIAG programme.
- All staff contribute to CEIAG through their roles as tutors and subject teachers.
- Library of CEIAG related resources located in the student library.
Links with other policies: This policy supports and is underpinned by a range of key Academy policies, including GDPR and data protection, Equality and Diversity, Safeguarding and Child Protection, Special Educational Needs and Looked After Children.
Management of provider access requests Procedure
A provider wishing to request access should complete the visit request form which can be found here on our website or should contact Mrs Mountney, Career Lead
Opportunities for access
We are always actively looking to secure partnerships, work experience placements and talks from outside agencies to broaden our students horizons. We believe that it is essential that all of our students have meaningful exposure to businesses and employers in order to enhance their understanding of potential career routes when leaving school.
These are the events and services we offer which enable you to speak to pupils and/or their parents/carers. Please contact us with the email above writing a brief message outlining why you wish to work with our school, what you could offer our students and how we as a school can support you.
Premises and facilities
The school will make the main hall, classrooms or private meeting rooms available for discussions between the provider and students, as appropriate to the activity. The school will also make available AV and other specialist equipment to support provider presentations. This will all be discussed and agreed in advance of the visit with the Careers Leader or a member of their team.
Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature at the Careers Resource Centre, which is managed by the school librarian. The Resource Centre is available to all students at lunch and break times.