

Gable Hall School Psychology Department:

Psychology at Gable Hall School aims to provide students with a profound understanding of how the mind influences human behaviour while nurturing them into well-rounded, active citizens.

The Psychology curriculum ensures that all students will:

  • Develop care, compassion, and understanding for self and others by gaining insight into various areas of psychology, including social, cognitive, biological, and developmental aspects.
  • Value the significance of psychology, fostering an awe-driven curiosity about the human body and mind.
  • Become scientifically literate, capable of articulating their knowledge and thinking through diverse means.
  • Acquire skills in a broad range of research methods and analyse the appropriate method for relevant research.

Implementation: Teachers implement strategies to:

  • Plan and deliver a comprehensive scheme of work focusing on the progression of skills, knowledge, and understanding over time, including research methodologies and psychology's societal impact.
  • Adopt a variety of engagement strategies, including the use of technologies, to motivate and secure students' learning.
  • Provide opportunities for independent, paired, and group work in various contexts, fostering practical demonstrations of acquired skills.
  • Develop strategies and support to ensure students habitually read widely, acquire an extensive vocabulary, and appreciate the diverse world of psychology.
  • Model effective writing, adapting responses to address assessment objectives clearly and coherently.
  • Plan regular discussions on issues and debates linked to psychology topics, allowing students to make presentations with increasing sophistication and empathy.
  • Systematically teach students correct scientific vocabulary, fostering confidence and application of literacy and numeracy skills.
  • Effectively integrate key knowledge about influential psychologists and studies into the curriculum.

Impact: Students will:

  • Make substantial progress from their starting points, achieving well in psychology.
  • Develop a detailed knowledge of the world of psychology and its fundamental approaches.
  • Acquire the skills necessary to be a psychologist, ensuring academic success.
  • Cultivate a lifelong love for psychology.

Igniting Curiosity and Understanding in Psychology

The Psychology Department at Gable Hall is a team of passionate educators dedicated to cultivating a practical understanding of psychology within a theoretical framework. Our commitment to excellence is showcased by being one of the few schools in Essex to offer Psychology at both GCSE and A Level. Our curriculum is thoughtfully designed to equip students not only with essential literacy, numeracy, and scientific skills but also with a profound insight into the human mind and behaviour.

Empowered by Experience Our department boasts a history of remarkable success, consistently achieving higher grades year after year. Anchored by a stable and supportive team, led by an experienced leader also serving as the head of the sixth form, we ensure unparalleled provision to all our students.

Pioneering Progress In terms of value-added, our Psychology Department stands proudly in the top 10% of schools offering the subject. This achievement reflects our unwavering commitment to helping students attain their target grades. A testament to our dedication, we consistently witness a significant number of students securing A*, A, and B grades at A Level.

Nurturing Success Through Support Student feedback testifies to our welcoming environment. We offer weekly mentoring sessions for Years 10-13 and host exam revision support sessions five times a week. We believe in fostering a holistic learning experience, ensuring every student is well-prepared and confident.

A Harmonious Connection Psychology beautifully complements subjects like biology, sociology, English language, PE, and chemistry. Notably, ten percent of A-level marks are attributed to mathematical and statistical skills, which enriches the interdisciplinary nature of the subject.

Charting a Course in Understanding Our curriculum offerings include Psychology at both GCSE level in Gable Hall School and A Level at the Stanford & Corringham 6th Form College. The captivating realm of psychology encompasses the scientific study of the human brain and its intricate functions, influencing behaviour within various contexts. The diverse array of psychologists, ranging from cognitive to behavioural, adds depth to this subject's exploration.

Societal Insights Through Sociology Sociology, studied at A Level in the Stanford & Corringham 6th Form College, delves into the study of society, exploring how people interact within groups. Our A-level Sociology course delves into the origins, development, and organisation of social behaviour, examining distinctions such as class, gender, and race.

Empowering Pathways Psychology opens doors to a wide array of careers involving human interaction, making it a valuable foundation for various professions. From forensic psychology, health psychology, and research to neuropsychology and educational psychology, the possibilities are vast. It's an enticing pathway to fields like teaching, social work, and even cutting-edge domains like artificial intelligence and robotics.

At Gable Hall's Psychology Department, we are committed to nurturing inquisitive minds and shaping future leaders who understand the intricacies of human behaviour and society.

Key Stage 4

Exploring Minds and Grasping Knowledge: AQA Psychology at KS4

Our KS4 cohorts are embarking on an exciting journey into the realm of AQA Psychology New Specification (8182) starting from 2017. This engaging curriculum introduces students to a comprehensive exploration of the human mind, graded under the new GCSE grading system from 9 to 1. As we guide our students through this transformative experience, the examinations will be conducted as closed-text assessments, enhancing the significance of effective revision in their exam preparation.

Diving into a Rich Curriculum Students in the Violet, Indigo, and Yellow color groups in year 9 have the privilege of immersing themselves in this subject. The course is structured around two units, each offering a distinctive facet of psychology.

Year 1: Nurturing Fundamentals In the first year, students delve into the core topics of Memory, Child Development, Perception, and Research Methods. These subjects serve as the foundation upon which their understanding of psychology is built, nurturing essential analytical and cognitive skills.

Year 2: Exploring the Human Psyche The second year propels students into a deeper exploration of psychology, unraveling the complexities of Social Influence, Language Thought & Communication, Brain & Neuropsychology, and Psychological Problems. This phase equips them with a more intricate comprehension of human behavior, thoughts, and interactions.

The Power of Preparation Underpinning the entire journey is the significance of effective revision. With examinations being closed-text, students are tasked with not just understanding the material, but also mastering the art of retaining and applying knowledge under exam conditions. This approach aligns with our commitment to fostering skills that extend beyond the classroom.

At every step, our focus is to nurture curious minds, instill a lifelong love for learning, and empower our students with the ability to unravel the complexities of the human psyche. Through AQA Psychology, we embark on an educational voyage that not only educates but also ignites the passion for understanding the intricacies of the mind.

KS4 Curriculum Map

Key Stage 5

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