

This announcement contains important updates regarding our attendance procedure starting from 4th September 2024, including the discontinuation of the Studybugs service, the introduction of a dedicated absence line, new communication methods, daily notifications, and requirements for returning to school after an absence.

What do I do if my child is not well enough to come to school?

Dedicated Absence Line:
  • All absences must be reported via our dedicated absence line 01375 400800 (Option 1) for years 7 -11, (Option 2) for 6th form students.
  • Parents must state their child's full name, registration form, and reason for absence.
Reporting Time:
  • All absences must be reported before 8:00am on the day of absence.
Communication Method:
  • Emails for any form of absence (including appointments, lateness, and early departures) will not be accepted.
  • Only phone calls will be accepted, and proof of appointment must be physically shown to the attendance team to authorise the absence.
  • If medical evidence for an appointment is not shown to either the form tutor or the attendance office, pupils will not be allowed to leave the school site.
Daily Notification:
  • Parents must notify the school every day that their child is absent.
Appointment Notification:
  • The school must be notified 48 hours in advance of a child's appointment.
Medical Evidence:
  • Only pictures of medical evidence will be accepted via email at - Absences should not be reported through this email.

Returning to School After an Absence

Note Requirement:
  • Upon returning to school, all pupils must provide a signed and dated handwritten note explaining the reason for their absence.
  • Even if a call was made to the school, a written note is still required.
Submission of Notes:
  • All notes must be submitted to the attendance office to ensure absences are properly coded.
Recording Absences:
  • Absences should not be recorded in the pupil's planner.
Medical Evidence:
  • Medical evidence can be provided to the attendance team to support the coding of the absence.

For more information click here to see our website

For more information regarding the  Updates to the Attendance Procedure letter - Click Here

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